Put simply, a worklist is a queue of work. Worklists are very customizable for organizing your work based on different criteria. You can think of a worklist like a cross between a to-do list and an email inbox.

By default you have 5 worklists in RoundingWell. 

  • All worklists filter out any actions or flows that have been marked done, except for the Done < 30 Days worklist. 
  • Worklists can be sorted by Date Added, Date Updated, or by Due Date (on Actions only). 
  • Work on worklists can be updated without leaving the worklist. For example: State, Owner, and Due Date can be updated.
  • If an action has a form attached, you can click right into that form from a worklist.
  • If you click on a patient's name you'll be taken to their dashboard if you just need a quick way to see the patient's dashboard instead of a specific piece of work.

Owned By

This worklist displays actions or flows owned by you that need to be done. On this worklist, you can change the owner to another person on your team. You can also filter by date added; options include filtering by a single date or a whole month. Some use cases for Owned By:

  • You need to see what's your plate for patients in one of your groups. You'll filter the worklist by a group and select the Actions toggle
  • You need to see the status of flows you own and how much progress is being made on each on. You'll set the Flows toggle and leave yourself as the owner. 
  • You need to see what's going on with a teammate. You'll change the Owner to the teammate and view their Actions or their Flows.

Shared By Role

This worklist displays actions or flows owned by your role, you, and any teammate that has your same role. You also have the ability to select a different role from your's. Some use cases for Shared By Role:

  • Let's say you're a nurse and you share work among a team of nurses. You all can use the Shared By worklist to see work that is set to the Nurse role and still needs to be assigned to a specific nurse. You have the ability assign work to yourself or delegate it to a fellow nurse teammate. 
  • Once work is assigned, it can reassigned to another teammate or be set back to the Nurse role.

New < 24 hours

This worklist displays actions or flows added/identified in the last 24 hours that need to be done. You have the ability to filter to an individual teammate or to a role.

  • Use case: Let's say your organization is integrated with a data source such as ADT feed. Any time a patient has need that matches your triggering rules, work will automatically appear on the New < 24 hours worklist so you and your team can promptly take action.

Updated < 3 Days

This worklist displays actions or flows that have been updated in the last 3 days that need to be done. You have the ability to filter to an individual teammate or to a role.

  • Use case: Work that gets updated helps you see when there's been activity or progress on the work that needs to be done.

Done < 30 Days

This worklist is different than the other worklists in that it shows work that's been completed in the last 30 days. You have the ability to filter to an individual teammate or to a role.

  • Use case: You need to see what work is getting done and how much has gotten done in the last 30 days. Seeing work that got done may prompt you to want to dig deeper into a particular flow or action for a patient or see what else is going on for a patient.