In RoundingWell the simplest unit of work is an Action. You can think of an Action like a to-do or a task. An Action may be the entirety of a workflow. Or an Action may just be one part of a larger workflow. A workflow made up of multiple actions is called a Flow.
Action: If you know something unique needs to be done for a patient, you can add a new action to the patient's dashboard. New actions are empty and you can specify all the details of the work to be done.
Program Action: If you know something needs to be done for a patient that is a common need, you can choose from the list of pre-built actions organized by program. Program actions are templates of common work to be done. When you add a program action, certain details of the work are already specified.
Parts of an Action
- Name and details - For titling and describing the work to be done
- State - For tracking the status of the work. Options are To Do, In Progress, and Done
- Owner - The teammate assigned to this action or the role of what type of person should be assigned to this action
- Due Date & Time - When this needs to be done, include the time to de done
- Duration - How long might this take (estimate) or how long did it take (actual)
- Attachment - Form(s) that might be needed to do this work
- Activity Log - As an action is updated, events are automatically add to the log so there's clarity who's done what and when
- Comments - When work needs to be discussed or additional info needs to be added, you and your teammates can add comments to the activity log
- Created / Last Updated - When this action was created and when it was last modified
Setting an Action to Done: When you change State to Done, the Action moves to the patient's Data & Events archive. Nothing is editable on Done Actions except the State if you need to continue working on it. You can also continue adding comments after it's set to done.