When you need add or manage users who can access RoundingWell, go to Clinicians in the Admin area.

Single Sign On

Adding a new user prompts you to specify the user's name and email address. Because RoundingWell supports Single Sign On, the email address you specify must match the email address on record with your organization's identity provider. 

After the user signs in for the first time, their name and email address fields are locked. To make changes, update this user's info through your identity provider.

Clinician Account States

  • Pending - A user is in this state if they've never signed in, don't have a Role, or don't have at least 1 Group added
  • Active - A user is in this state if they've signed in, have a Role, and have a Group

Clinician Access Type

  • Employee - User who should only be able to access your org's Workspace should have this access type
  • Manager - Users who should be able to access the Admin area to manage programs, workflows, and/or clinician should have Manager access type; Manager can also do everything an Employee access type can do

Role - Specify the role this clinician performs on your team. Roles can be configured for your organization. Contact RoundingWell if you like a role added or removed from this menu.

Groups - Specify the groups the clinician belongs to. Groups grant access to different segments of the patient population. You can add multiple groups per clinician as needed.

  • When removing a clinician from a group, any work they own will be reassigned to their role for other team members to pick up.

To restrict access to RoundingWell, remove the clinician from all groups. This will put their account state at Pending and will prevent them from signing in.