Program Action: If you know of a simple workflow that needs to be done for your patient population, you'll create a new program action. Program actions are templates of common, repeatable work to be done. 

Parts of a Program Action

  • Name and details - For titling and describing the work to be done
  • Publish State - For turning on the Program Action for use in your org's workspace. Draft state is off. Published state is on.
  • State - Disabled for Program Actions in the Admin area; not modifiable
  • Owner - The role of the type of clinician that should be assigned to this action. Note: you can only set a role if there's a clinician in your workspace with that role. If you don't set a role, the action will automatically be assigned to the clinician who added the action.
  • Due In - The number of days this works needs to be done relative to when it is added to the patient. For example: If today's date were May 1st, "Due in 7 days" translates to May 8th. 
  • Attachment - The ability to link a form related to this work
  • Created / Last Updated - When this program action was created and when it was last modified

When publishing a program action, it will only appear in your org's workspace if the program it's in is also turned on. Changes made to a program action will appear for new instances of that program action going forward. Existing instances of that program action already added to patients will be unaffected.

Program Flow: When you have a more complex process or workflow, that work is organized into a Flow. A flow is a group or a set of actions to be done together. Currently, flows are always pre-built and organized by program.

Parts of a Program Flow

  • Name and details - For titling and describing the work to be done
  • Publish State - For turning on the Program Flow for use in your org's workspace. Draft state is off. Published state is on.
  • State - Disabled for Program Flows in the Admin area; not modifiable
  • Owner - The role of the type of clinician that should be assigned to this action. Note: you can only set a role if there's a clinician in your workspace with that same role.
  • Created / Last Updated - When the program flow was created and when it was last modified

Actions on a Program Flow: These flow actions are the same as Program Actions. Keep in mind that you should publish at least one flow action when you publish a program flow or else the program flow will be empty.

  • Flow Actions can be reordered to ensure the Flow sequence is correct. Click and drag the grabber on the right side of flow action in the list to re

When publishing a program flow, it will only appear in your org's workspace if the program it's in is also turned on. Changes made to a program flow will appear for new instances of that program action going forward. Existing instances of that program action already added to patients will be unaffected.